Region’s Champion Tree Cloned for 9/11 Tribute

On Wednesday, nine trees will be planted at the Pentagon as a memorial to the victims of September 11th. The trees are clones of the nation’s largest red ash. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Tamar Charney reports:


On Wednesday, nine trees will be planted at the Pentagon as a memorial to the
victims of September 11th. The trees are clones of the nation’s largest red ash. The
Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Tamar Charney reports:

David Millarch runs a tree nursery in Northern Michigan and he’s the
founder of a project that is cloning the nation’s largest measured trees
also known as champions. Michigan’s congressional delegation encouraged
the Pentagon to plant nine of his clones of a 450-year-old champion ash tree
from Michigan.

“Most religions signify the passing of someone with the planting of a tree and
that’s been taking place for thousands of years to signify our spirit lives on…
and that’s why we call these trees champions for heroes.”

Millarch will help plant the trees on the south side of the Pentagon. The
ceremony will be attended by the President, most members of Congress, and
family members of the victims of September 11th.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Tamar Charney.